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Become a Member Now (Free)
Your membership ensures your voice is heard and demonstrates our united approach and strength of numbers. We will keep you informed with the latest information.
We need people power. We need you! Join the fight and help us win.
Ways to Fightback
The only way to make a difference is to get involved. A lot of people think they should sit back and wait for others to do something, it won’t happen. This is your only chance to prevent this so get involved now. The project is forging ahead and the ONLY time to have a say and provide the best outcome for everyone, is NOW.
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Please keep me informed about news affecting the Mitchell SLOs

Email Council

Let Mitchell Council know how the SLOs  will affect you. Ask Councillors to vote against the proposal to implement the new SLOs.  To help you with this we have prepared a guide for writing to Council which includes details for who you should email and what you should include.  We also have a google docs letter that you can download and edit with your own details before sending. Sending an email can and does make a difference. 

Spread the Word

You may be surprise you that not everyone knows about the SLOs or their impact. Help spread the word by telling your neighboursfamily and friends . Tell them about this campaign site and encourage them to get on board. The more people involved, the louder our collective voice will be and the greater our chance of being heard.

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Purpose of the Association.

Protect Our Farms Incorporated is a community led incorporated association formed to fight against Mitchell Council’s proposed new SLOs which will lead to loss of our farming rights.

Our Association’s purpose is:

  • To unite and empower farmers to protect their rights and to advocate for fair policies that support a healthy and productive food supply.
  • Build a network of farmers and allies to strengthen the collective voice.
  • Challenge restrictive policies and regulations through legal and public action.
  • Advocate for policy changes that support farmers’ rights and land use.
  • Promote the vital role of farmers in food security and land stewardship.