Submissions Library

Welcome to our Submissions Library. This page serves as a repository of submissions made by our members to Mitchell Council regarding the proposed Significant Landscape Overlays (SLOs). Our goal is to aid transparency, provide insights, and assist the community in understanding the various concerns and viewpoints related to these changes.

Explore Submissions

Below, you will find submissions from our members. These documents highlight various perspectives and concerns regarding the proposed SLOs. We encourage you to read through them to gain a deeper understanding of the community’s stance and the potential impacts of the overlays.

14 August 2024 submission from Pyalong farmer & business owner.

A Pyalong landowner and former council advisor outlines serious concerns about the proposed SLOs, emphasizing the potential negative impacts on property values, farming operations, and the lack of adequate consultation, urging a delay in the council’s decision to allow for a thorough assessment.

14 August 2024 letter to Councillors from landowner at Highcamp & Pyalong


A seasoned farmer calls on Mitchell Shire Council to trust and support local farmers by rejecting the SLO, highlighting the burdensome permit process, increased fire risks, and the critical role of farmers in preserving the landscape and ensuring food security.

14 August 2024 submission from landowner at Glenhope East

A Glenhope East landowner passionately opposes the proposed SLO, highlighting the practical implications for fire management, the risks of “Disneyland farming,” and the burdensome permit requirements that disregard landholders’ connection to and stewardship of the land.

12 August 2024 -13 page letter from a farmer at Tallarook outlining numerous concerns.

A detailed submission from a Tallarook farmer raises extensive objections to the proposed SLO, including accusations of misleading council communications, flawed planning principles, increased bushfire risk, and violations of property rights under the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities.

9 August 2024 – Tooborac farmer gives lots of very practical & tangible examples of how the restrictions will affect farming

A Tooborac farmer details the impracticality and inefficiency of the proposed SLO, offering specific examples of how the restrictions will adversely impact farming operations and urging council members to vote against the current proposal.

5 August 2024 Submission from Pyalong Farmer:

A Pyalong farmer, with over 30 years of land stewardship and the planting of over 20,000 trees, opposes the proposed SLO expansion, arguing that it overlooks the sustainable practices already in place, risks negative environmental consequences, and suggests a more collaborative approach between Council and farmers.

17 July 2024 Submission from Tooborac Beef Producers:

Specialized beef producers from Tooborac express strong concerns about the SLO process, highlighting issues with transparency, consultation, and the disproportionate impact on farm operations, while calling for a halt to the SLO and meaningful consultations with affected landholders.

10 July 2024 Submission from Tallarook Farmers:

Tallarook farmers oppose the proposed SLO, arguing that the permit requirements to manage native vegetation are unreasonable, threaten their livelihood, and overlook the farm’s long history of responsible land management, urging the council to amend the proposal to explicitly protect farmers’ rights.

29 May 2024 Submission from Tallarook Farmer to Councillors 

A Tallarook farmer outlines substantial concerns about the proposed SLO, emphasizing unworkable permit requirements that threaten agricultural activities and rural amenity. The submission highlights essential provisions in the current SLO that must be preserved, which the council plans to remove in the new SLO.

16 May 2024 Presentation to Senior Strategic Planning Officer from Tallarook Farmer.

A detailed presentation by a Tallarook farmer outlines the severe impact of the proposed SLO on the long-standing agricultural operations at their property, emphasizing the unworkable permit requirements, the risks of forced re-vegetation, and the negative economic consequences for the region.

10 May 2024 Submission from Tallarook Farmer

Tallarook farmer argues against the proposed SLO, citing its flawed planning principles, economic impact, increased bushfire risks, and inconsistency with the historical purpose and development of the Tallarook region.

10 May 2024  Letter from a Tallarook Owner & Forestry Graduate:

A forestry graduate argues against the SLO’s restrictive permit requirements, highlighting the need for practical vegetation management on farms and the preservation of historic properties.

Wish to Share Your Submission?

By sharing your submission, you contribute to a collective voice that highlights the impacts of the proposed SLOs on our farming community. Your insights and experiences can help others frame their concerns, enhance community understanding, and strengthen our advocacy efforts.

How to Share Your Submission

If you have submitted a document to the council and would like to share it with the community, we invite you to contact us. Here’s how we handle the process:

  1. Contact Us: Reach out to us via our contact page expressing your interest in sharing your submission.
  2. Redaction of Personal Details: We will work with you to redact any personal details from your submission to ensure your privacy is maintained.
  3. Upload: Once the redaction is complete, we will upload your submission to this page for the benefit of the community.